
CFK reloaded

I naïvely thought she would turn up in a different mood, softer, calmer, more rational, less aggressive, but the elected Vice President sounded and looked angrier than ever when she appeared in court last Monday.  Attack is the best form of defence, they say. That seems to her motto. She rounded Seguir leyendo

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Ella, reloaded

Nuevamente pequé de ingenuidad. Creí que ella iba a volver más calmada, menos confrontativa, menos agresiva, menos belicosa. Pensé que su silencio de casi 4 años se correspondía con un período de reflexión, de meditación, de autocrítica, de introspección. Imaginé que abandonaría ese tono irascible, esa tendencia a “retar” a Seguir leyendo

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Alperovich & Co.

Obviously, Senator José Alperovich denies all charges of sexual abuse against him and asks for “time to repair his honour”. He was given a leave of absence, but still keeps his parliamentary privileges.  I distinctly remember when his wife, Beatriz Rojkés, told the flooded tucumanos in April 2015 “I could very Seguir leyendo

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You reap what you sow

“Catholicism on the decline in Pope Francis’ Argentina”, reveals Conicet study. No wonder. Although at first I felt proud when  Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected to be the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, as time went by I couldn’t help having a critical view of this Peronist Pope and his Seguir leyendo

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