Last Monday’s solar eclipse was a good chance to look up at the sky, and forget for a while all the mess we’re immersed in down here. We were able to recover and enjoy our sense of awe and wonder -as when we were kids-, so mesmerized and fascinated by such a celestial show, for free. At a moment like this, we realize how small we are, how insignificant, how tiny, how fragile and vulnerable. We all live in a Vanity Fair, pretending to be the Kings and Queens of the Universe, when –in fact- we’re just  a speck of dust . We’ve been destroying our house, this Planet Earth, at a steady pace, as if we could move somewhere else. It’s high time world leaders (and ordinary citizens) started taking environmental issues and global warming seriously. For now, meteor showers haven’t hit us hard enough, but you never know … 

Irene Bianchi for Buenos Aires Times