
Apocalypsis Now

So sad! Such a tragedy! An avoidable one. Alberto and Cristina’s “friend”, Vladimir Putin, has finally made his threaten come true. He has started a war, the development and outcome of which we cannot foretell. We’ve gone back in time several centuries.  There’s a new virus, far more lethal than Covid Seguir leyendo

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Another war?

Little by Little, we seem to be witnessing the end of a pandemic that has threatened the whole world for over two years now. But this sigh of relief is not lasting long. There’s a new threat  hovering overhead. A war, another war. Some leaders haven’t learnt anything from past experiences. Seguir leyendo

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Shameful bootlicking

On behalf of ALL Argentines, Alberto Fernández welcomes Russia to Latin America, and tells the Chines leader that ALL OF US share his political views. We love communism, in his eyes. Maybe he doesn’t know that China is one of the strongest capitalisms of the world. Besides, we all know Seguir leyendo

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¿Hubo un plebiscito?

Me pregunto si hubo una consulta popular, una suerte de plebiscito antes de la gira de Alberto Fernández, y yo me lo perdí. Porque una cosa son los acuerdos comerciales, qué compramos, qué vendemos, y otra muy distinta arrogarse la representación de TODOS los argentinos, más aún, de toda Latinoamérica, Seguir leyendo

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Maximo’s tantrum

In the midst of a temper tantrum (another one), Máximo Kirchner has resigned as leader of the ruling coalition bloc in the Chamber of Deputies. So what?  Will anyone miss him?  Obviously, he takes after his histrionic mother, who also loves this kind of “mise en scène”. Both seem to be prone Seguir leyendo

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