
All the best!

Honestly, I can’t wait. Whoever wins tomorrow, I do hope our representatives show tolerance and common sense, and choose to join efforts, regardless their parties and ideologies.  We haven’t touched bottom yet, but are pretty close. The time has come for our politicians to work together, putting aside their differences. We, Seguir leyendo

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Gane quien gane…

Gane quien gane el domingo, como ciudadana, deseo fervientemente que quien sea “derrotado” en las elecciones colabore con quienes sean elegidos para gobernar durante los próximos cuatro años. No es prudente ni sensato hacer borrón y cuenta nueva. No hay por qué desaprovechar lo conseguido. No se trata de una Seguir leyendo

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Debate or boring stand-up?

In my opinion, last Sunday’s Argentine presidential campaign`s first debate was a bore. For several reasons. On the one hand, it wasn’t a “debate” in the strict sense of the word. No interaction whatsoever. The speakers didn’t even look at one another. On the other hand, they sounded as if Seguir leyendo

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Fed up by now…

Whatever the result of the October presidential elections is, whoever  wins, I do hope everything’s over as soon as possible, so that we can leave this sort of limbo, this endless period of waiting, this nowhere land we’re all living in, with candidates promising things and the government taking last minute, Seguir leyendo

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