
An angry Pope

«Love makes us patient. So many times we lose patience, even me, and I apologize for yesterday’s bad example,» the Pope said, after slapping a woman’s hand the day before. He added: «Women are sources of life. Yet they are continually insulted, beaten, raped, forced to prostitute themselves and to Seguir leyendo

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On the threshold of 2020

2020 already! Unbelievable! I was born in 1951 and always thought of the year 2000 as a Bradburyan science fiction fantasy. But here I am, still alive and kicking. I’ve been lucky enough to have witnessed countless revolutions in all fields. I can’t help feeling, however, that in many aspects Seguir leyendo

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Weird Mass

Priest Eduardo Lorenzo committed suicide last Monday at one of the Caritas headquarters in La Plata. He’d been accused of sexual abuse and corruption of 5 children between 1990 and 2008. The Archbishop of La Plata, Victor Manuel Fernández, showed grief and pity for “our brother Eduardo Lorenzo, who took Seguir leyendo

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Let’s wait and see…

I didn`t vote for him. Most people did. So now, Alberto Fernández is our President. I listened to his first speech and I must say I liked it. I’m not talking about the promises he has made. Macri also promised some miracles he wasn’t able to fulfill (the end of Seguir leyendo

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Por qué tiene que haber algo y no más bien nada

de Frontón Ensamble Dramaturgia: María Marciani y Pamela Gualberto (Italia) Dirección Jimena Duca Work in Progress: Domingo 15/12/19, 20hs – Espacio FOLI: Calle 41 #915 (13 y 14), La Plata Reservas : 221-6396336/ Por qué tiene que haber algo y no más bien nada es un obra multidisciplinaria inspirada Seguir leyendo

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Si una vicepresidenta electa increpa a un tribunal de la manera en que lo hizo Cristina Fernández de Kirchner en Comodoro Py el lunes pasado, negándose a contestar preguntas, autoabsolviéndose y cuestionando severamente a los tres jueces, que la miraban atónitamente, ¿cómo podemos pretender, por ejemplo, que los alumnos respeten Seguir leyendo

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