
Who are we kidding?

In the midst of this global pandemic and local catastrophic economic crisis, President Fernández “will send a bill to Congress to reform federal justice system”, so that – he says- it will “regain credibility”. It smells fishy, doesn’t it? Credibility in Argentina is gone with the wind (the Zonda, most Seguir leyendo

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No plan?!

He must be kidding, right? He can’t be serious! Or maybe I’ve just misread it. Let me see. Here it is: “Frankly, I don’t believe in economic plans. I believe in goals”. Who said this? Alberto Fernández, our President. I would ask him a very simple question: how on earth Seguir leyendo

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Luis Lacalle Pou

A few days ago I listened to journalist Alfredo Leuco interviewing the current President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou. I must admit I felt envious. Very much so. What a politician! What a leader! What a patriot! He sounds and looks sincere, honest, straightforward, someone who doesn’t conceal or hide Seguir leyendo

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100 days of lockdown

I think none of us ever dreamt of living 100 days locked up in our houses.  Although we might have thought quite often: “I wish I had more free time”; “If only I could stay at home doing nothing”; “I’d love to spend more time with my partner/children/parents/pets/plants”; “There are so Seguir leyendo

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Stop scolding us, please

As an adult citizen, I don’t like being “scolded”, as if I were a child who has misbehaved.  Former President Cristina Kirchner was quite fond of that procedure. She enjoyed telling us off. When I say “us”, I obviously mean the ones who hadn’t voted for her. And now Alberto, the Seguir leyendo

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