
Legal abortion

I’ve always strongly supported the separation of Church and State. In my view, religion is a very private matter, an individual choice (if any), and it should be divorced from politics. Religion and government are a dangerous mix and should be kept apart. The Catholic Church has historically opposed all Seguir leyendo

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No Secret, Santa  This has certainly been a memorable Christmas. As unforgettable as this forgettable 2020. If there’s something that the whole world is wishing  for now, is the end of the pandemic that has locked us up for almost a year. If there’s anything that the virus has taught Seguir leyendo

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La gestión del «vamos viendo»

Tengo la inquietante sensación que este gobierno carece de planes. De hecho, creo recordar que el propio Presidente admitió alegremente que “no creía en los planes”. Y, la verdad sea dicho, se nota, y mucho. En lo económico, en lo educativo, en lo sanitario, en la política internacional, en la Seguir leyendo

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The sky’s the limit

Last Monday’s solar eclipse was a good chance to look up at the sky, and forget for a while all the mess we’re immersed in down here. We were able to recover and enjoy our sense of awe and wonder -as when we were kids-, so mesmerized and fascinated by Seguir leyendo

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  Volver al Teatro Municipal Coliseo Podestá como espectadora, después de estos largos meses de abstinencia, fue en sí mismo “una experiencia religiosa”. Con el consabido protocolo (barbijo, temperatura, sanitizante, declaración jurada, esmero de los acomodadores, etc.), en una sala casi vacía, guardando el distanciamiento social obligado, asistir a esta Seguir leyendo

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A year later

A year has gone by since he became President. I didn’t vote for him, but – anyway – I had higher expectations. I expected him to be more moderate, sensible, balanced, stable, willing to bridge the gap that has been separating us for decades now. Instead, he keeps turning a Seguir leyendo

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