
She did it again

Last Wednesday at Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK), Cristina Fernández de Kirchner opened this  year’s Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), where there were more than 100 lawmakers.  Hers wasn’t a “welcome speech” at all. While listening to her, I wondered whether she thought she was actually addressing her fans at “Instituto Patria”. Maybe Seguir leyendo

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Where’s Pope Francis?

Ever since the outburst of the current war, or rather since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, I expected a tougher reaction from Pope Francis, not just praying for peace. He’s not only the Head of the Catholic Church, but also the sovereign of the Vatican City State. He said “the Seguir leyendo

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The Devil wears…

Suddenly, everybody blames the Devil for all our ills and misfortunes. It’s/He’s/She’s on the top trending topic list. A short while ago, Nicolás Maduro said he’s willing to talk to anybody, including “el Señor Diablo o sus diablitos”. At the 2022 Oscar Award Ceremony, actor Will Smith, after slapping Chris Seguir leyendo

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Resilience Undersecretariat

Not long ago, we had a big laugh when we learnt that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro   announced the creation of the “Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness”. In the midst of his country’s 50 % inflation, poverty, food shortage, he stated the new ministry would ”look after our elderly men and women Seguir leyendo

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