On April 27th, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner offered what she called “a master class” titled  “Circular Argentina. The IMF and its historic recipe for inflation and recession”, at the “Teatro Argentino” in La Plata. As usual, she spoke about Alberto Fernández’ administration as if she were an outsider, never acknowledging its, his and her utter failure. A few days later, the canopy of the recently reopened theatre, collapsed, together with some billboards and windows.  Governor Axel Kiciloff minimized the incident, which could have been a real tragedy, since there was a concert under way, with a full house. It’s hard to understand why the marquee fell in spite of the one-million dollar investment. I can’t help interpreting this episode as the fall of kirchnerism; hopefully, a “fin de siècle”, as the French put it. The End. Game over.

Buenos Aires Times, May 6th, 2023