
Childish politicians

When I heard Alberto Fernández say it didn’t make sense to meet the current President after the PASO, I felt so upset. As upset as when an angry President Macri “scolded” the people who didn’t vote for “Cambiemos” last Sunday. Fortunately, both retrieved their steps. Fernández finally got in touch Seguir leyendo

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It’s almost inevitable to link the mass shooting in El Paso, Texas (Aug 3) with the racism US President has always tolerated and even promoted.  Trump has described Mexican immigrants as “invaders”, “criminals”, “gang members”, “rapists”. His language is offensive, prejudiced, bigoted. There’s a saying in Spanish: “El pescado se pudre Seguir leyendo

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Por las palabras…

A fin de graficar los justificados temores de muchos de nosotros ante la eventual vuelta del kirchnerismo, me limito a citar textual y objetivamente los dichos de algunas personas públicas. Alberto Fernández  a la investigadora Sandra Pitta, que no apoya la fórmula que él encabeza: “No tengas miedo. Te voy a Seguir leyendo

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Say no more…

Aníbal Fernández said he’d rather leave his children with Ricardo Barreda than with María Eugenia Vidal. I live in La Plata. I remember distinctly the newspaper headlines on Nov 14th, 1992. The day before, this mass murderer had killed his two daughters, Adriana and Cecilia, his wife Gladys Mc Donald, Seguir leyendo

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