
Back to normal?

Most of us look forward to going back to our “normal life” as soon as this pandemic is over. At the same time, we can’t help wondering whether that “normal” is advisable. Let’s admit that some of us were not really happy with our past routines. We used to complain Seguir leyendo

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Never ending story

It’s so hard to put up with this uncertainty. Every two weeks we are told that the lockdown will last for two weeks more. And so on and so forth. We don’t know for sure when (or if) we’ll be able to go back to our previous lives. Moreover, most Seguir leyendo

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House arrest

Prisons in Argentina are overcrowded. True. Moreover, our prisons haven never proved to be effective ways to deal with criminals. Actually, they don´t rehabilitate anyone. On the contrary, spending time in prison teaches inmates to become “better” criminals. They seem to be crime schools. This is a crucial issue worldwide Seguir leyendo

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I’m an extremely proud Grandma, eager to see, hug and kiss my grandson Lorenzo, as soon as this lockdown is over. Can´t wait, actually. I love it when “Lolo” calls me “Granny” (“Abu”). But what I truly dislike is being called “Abuela” (Grandmother) by people who are not my grandchildren Seguir leyendo

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What if…

Although we wish this pandemic was just a bad dream, an awful nightmare, we know for sure that it’s painfully true, an undeniable reality. Nevertheless, at times I can´t help feeling that it could also be a perfect plan to keep us all at home, isolated, paralyzed by fear and Seguir leyendo

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Luces y sombras de lo humano

Somos tan ambivalentes, tan contradictorios. Por un lado, todos los días religiosamente a las 21 salimos a nuestros balcones, ventanas o patios a aplaudir fervorosamente a los trabajadores de la salud. Ellos están poniendo el cuerpo y jugándose literalmente la vida, cuidándonos, combatiendo a este minúsculo y devastador virus. Por Seguir leyendo

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