Viernes de octubre, 20 hs. Teatro Dynamo. Calle 17 esq 68 RESERVA PARA LAS PRÓXIMAS FECHAS POR ALTERNATIVA. https://publico.alternativateatral.com/entradas75679-los-cielos-encima?o=14 Ésta es una historia donde comenzar otra historia es necesario. Una historia nueva, inédita, renegada de todo lo vivido anteriormente, de toda tradición hasta ahora conocida.Ahora hay que crearlo todo.Ésta es Seguir leyendo

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Don’t shoot the messenger!

Mario Alberto Ishii, the mayor of José C. Paz, has recently accused the media of “poisoning” people with bad news, causing depression, and also of attacking the President relentlessly. “All they show is doom and gloom”, according to him, and at some point he’s sure Argentines will react against those Seguir leyendo

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A bribe?

Honestly, no one expected such a miracle! All of a sudden, the pandemic seems to be over. We are told the use of facemasks outdoors is no longer mandatory. We can party again. Social gatherings without a cap on the number of people. Crowds are welcome. No more social distancing. Seguir leyendo

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No más barbijos

Nunca imaginé que cambio de Gabinete post PASO traería consigo un beneficio ad-hoc, casi un milagro: el fin de la pandemia. No más barbijos, la cepa Delta es un espejismo, no más aforo, que viajen los jubilados (¿con qué plata?); que vuelvan las fiestas y los viajes de egresados; que Seguir leyendo

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Shame on them

They didn’t see it coming. Their unexpected, huge defeat at the PASO primaries on September 12th was a heavy blow on the Fernández’ administration. It literally split them up. The aftermath is scary, and the wreckage, even more so. Instead of making a pause to assess the damages, rather than trying Seguir leyendo

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