
All together now

Truth to tell, I find it hard to figure out why there are still so many people in the whole world who refuse to get the Covid 19 vaccinations. Some say they don’t trust the vaccines because they were developed too fast, almost overnight. Others argue that Covid-19 is just Seguir leyendo

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Party Time?

Out of curiosity: what exactly did this administration celebrate yesterday, December 10th? Their lost primary elections/ PASO? Our Coronavirus death toll? Argentina facing bankruptcy? The fact that 6 out of 10 kids are poor?  The tragedy that half of our students don’t finish highschool? Rosario becoming once again the “Argentine Chicago”, Seguir leyendo

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Who knows…

At times I wonder: what if this administration is doing its best to test our resilience? I mean, on the surface it may seem that they are torturing us every single day with a piece of bad news, but maybe, at bottom, they are putting us on trial, in a Seguir leyendo

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A bull in a China shop

Hasn’t he resigned yet? Or apologized publicly?  Rafael Bielsa, I mean.  His “inappropriate” remarks, to put it mildly, were preposterous, because he’s not the man in the street, a Mr No one, but Argentina’s Ambassador to Chile. Therefore, the impact of his words affects us all and our country’s relation to Chile. Seguir leyendo

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The blind leading the blind

I really don’t understand what “Frente de Todos” is celebrating, after last Sunday’s electoral defeat.  Obviously, it hasn’t sunk in yet. Or are they acting dumb with us? I mean, when something goes wrong, it’s important to realize that, to register it, in order to change gear and clear the mess. Seguir leyendo

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When there’s a will

A short while ago, Sting said that his six children won’t inherit his 180 million euro fortune. Why not? Well, he wants them to work hard, as he did. ‘I wouldn’t want to rob them of the pleasure and satisfaction of making it on their own”, he stated. Not a Seguir leyendo

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