
In Memoriam: Robin Williams

Such a sad piece of news! Such a loss! Robin Williams was one-of-a-kind. A born actor who could make us laugh and cry, who could move us too, in his countless memorable characters. Versatile, spontaneous, free, a master of improvisation, a Jack-of-all trades, who would always come up with a Seguir leyendo

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Recomendación de Teatro – La Plata

TRIKA FOPTE: una propuesta teatral diferente. Un desafío para el espectador, que será testigo de una visión apocalíptica, en la que 3 náufragos se comunicarán por medio de un lenguaje ininteligible desde lo idiomático, pero perfectamente comprensible desde el lenguaje corporal, los gestos, los subtextos, las intenciones, las miradas, los Seguir leyendo

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Not All Our Sons

Whenever a young person is robbed and killed in Buenos Aires, I can’t help feeling that he could have been my own son or daughter. And I’m always reminded of that wonderful play by Arthur Miller: “All my sons”. Its main carácter, Joe Keller, is exonerated after being charged with Seguir leyendo

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Birds of a feather

«A little bird approached me again and told me […] that the commander [Chávez] is happy and full of love from the loyalty of his people,” Maduro said while presiding an homage to the former president in Sabaneta, hometown of Chávez. And he actually meant it. Mind you, it’s not Seguir leyendo

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