
Lilita’s tips

I dislike being underestimated. When someone  (a lawmaker, of all people) advises me to tip at bars and restaurants, I say to myself: Why should anyone remind me to do what I’ve always done? Furthermore, what’s that got to do with the huge economic crisis we’re going through?  Is tipping and hiring Seguir leyendo

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“ESCANDINAVIA”: Enterrarás a tus muertos

“Escandinavia”, monólogo escrito por Lautaro Vilo, interpretado por Rubén Szuchmacher. Diseño sonoro: Bárbara Togander. Iluminación: Gonzalo Córdova. Vestuario: Jorge Ferrari. Interpretación de movimiento: Graciela Schuster. Asistencia de dirección: Pehuén Gutiérrez. Dirección: Rubén Szuchmacher-Lautaro Vilo. Producción: Elkafka Espacio Teatral. Teatro Estudio, 3 entre 39 y 40. “Muchas gracias por venir”, dice Seguir leyendo

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Fleeting Harmony

Although this might sound politically incorrect, I must confess I’m not a football fan.  Nevertheless, I couldn’t help sharing in the collective joy we Argentines felt last Tuesday, after Marcos Rojo scored that winning goal (“un golazo”) in the match against Nigeria. Actually, we were starving for joy, for a little Seguir leyendo

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Caged kids?!

When I saw the images and heard those kids crying, I naively thought it was the preview of a movie, a horror movie. I’ve always considered Trump a dangerous individual, clownish at times, always bossy and boasting of an Ego as big as his country. But this family splitting immigration Seguir leyendo

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De Niro vs. Trump

Robert de Niro received a standing ovation at the Tony Awards in New York last Sunday, when he stepped on stage and stated briefly: “I’m gonna say one thing: Fuck Trump. It’s no longer ‘Down with Trump’. It’s Fuck Trump”. The audience seemed to agree wholeheartedly. How did Trump react: Seguir leyendo

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