
Divide and conquer

by Irene Bianchi There’s a beautiful song by “Tears for Fears” called “Sowing the seeds of love”. I’m afraid one of the most damaging effects on our society of the attitude of the present Government, is having sown seeds of hatred and antagonism. It’s divided us into “Montagues” and “Capulets”, Seguir leyendo

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Recomendación de Teatro – La Plata

“TRIKA FOPTE”: “Natare” (René Mantiñán), “Rimsky” (Esteban Gómez) y “Kamta” (Carlos Uncal), son tres sobrevivientes de un planeta a punto de extinguirse. Cada cual subsiste en su “isla”, cuidando celosamente sus escasas pertenencias, ingeniándoselas para seguir respirando, mientras sus congéneres caen como moscas. A pesar de este planteo apocalíptico, el director Seguir leyendo

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All my Sons

For some reason, when a tragedy such as the train crashes in Once and Castelar happen, I always remember a play by Arthur Miller called “All my sons”, based on a true story. The main character, Joe Keller, is exonerated after being found responsible for the deaths of 21 pilots, Seguir leyendo

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Recomendación de Teatro – La Plata

«EL TARTUFO»: otro clásico de Moliere, que desenmascara la hipocresía, el discurso vacío de contenido, la banalidad, la falsa religiosidad carente de verdadera espiritualidad, todos rasgos de los comportamientos sociales de ayer y hoy. Sátira mordaz y divertida, dirigida por Roberto Conte, al frente del Grupo de Teatro del Colegio Seguir leyendo

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Once again. Another railway tragedy.

by Irene Bianchi What will they say now? That it’s not their fault? That it’s probably a conspiracy to damage their already damaged reputation? Why on earth doesn’t the government invest its energy and resources in improving the quality of our everyday life, instead of squandering it away, bickering and Seguir leyendo

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