
Not a prophet

I don’t think Pope Francis is a prophet in his own land. Far from it. In my opinion, he hasn’t contributed in any way to pacify the continuous rivalries and skirmishes our society is pathologically immersed in. On the contrary. At times, he has actually fuelled it.  He’s been called “a Seguir leyendo

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A slip of the tongue

While Economy Minister Martín Guzmán was meeting with IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva in Washington this week, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner bluntly admitted: “We can’t pay because we don’t have the money to pay”. Weird, isn’t it? I thought they played for the same team.  With friends such as CFK, who Seguir leyendo

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Rescued? Really?

Happy ending this time. Maia Yael Beloso, the 7-year-old girl abducted by Carlos Alberto Savanz (39), was finally found and rescued after a desperate search. Actually, I’m misusing the word “rescued”, simply because she should have been rescued a long time ago, before she, her mother and her 5 siblings Seguir leyendo

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Final feliz. Encontraron a Maia Beloso con vida. Excelente noticia. Ahora bien, creo que habría que aprovechar esta circunstancia para analizar varias situaciones verdaderamente preocupantes. En primer lugar, esa niña y sus 5 hermanitos viven en situación de calle. ¿Cómo es eso posible? Entiendo que un adulto puede elegir hacerlo, ¿pero Seguir leyendo

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