

She’s always there, behind the scenes, backstage, unobtrusively pulling the strings, the real power behind the throne. The mysterious lady, the one who  cleverly and stategically appointed the current President. CFK: the actual CEO of Argentina. Everyone seems to fear her, as if she were a semi goddess, a monarch, Seguir leyendo

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Diferencias Nos guste o no, hay que reconocer que Cristina Kirchner es muy hábil para ocupar siempre el centro de la escena. Indudablemente, una inteligente estratega. Una «prima donna» de la política. Por su presencia o por su ausencia. Por su silencio o sus dichos. Ahora, muchos consideran su enigmática Seguir leyendo

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Looking up to our neighbours

I must admit I felt so much envy when I saw José Pepe Mujica and Julio María Sanguinetti hugging. Although we are neighbouring countries, we are so far away from Uruguay in so many aspects.  No wonder so many Argentines are fleeing across the river (poor Uruguayans!). Last week, both former Seguir leyendo

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In denial

Once again, many people took to the streets on October 12 to protest.  Actually, I’m afraid I shouldn’t use the term “people” though, because Santiago Caffiero said they/we are not “people”, not even Argentines. In Agustín Rossi’s words, we are “cowards and scoundrels”.  They say protesters encourage hatred and division. That’s a Seguir leyendo

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Trump’s «mise en scene»

I bet it was just a “mise en scene”. Quite similar to Bolsonaro’s (at this time, I even wonder if the Brazilian guy hired his stabber during his campaign). I mean, after that shameful presidential debate, Trump had all the odds against him. So, he got suddenly infected, was hospitalized, Seguir leyendo

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Hacerse cargo

Dicen los psicoterapeutas que llega un momento en la vida en que no se puede seguir echándole la culpa a los padres, y en cambio hay que hacerse cargo de uno mismo. Que si te destetaron demasiado  pronto, que si no te ayudaban con las tareas de la escuela, que si Seguir leyendo

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