
The best and the worst

It’s amazing how this pandemic can show the best and the worst in all of us. On the one hand,  every day at 9 pm people all over the country show their gratitude to health personnel clapping their hands from balconies, windows and doorsteps, as a warm sign of gratitude. On Seguir leyendo

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Years from now…

In spite of all the awful and tragic things this pandemic  has caused and is still causing worldwide, I believe it must be –at the same time- an unbelievable source of inspiration for artists, in the widest sense of the word. Writers, playwrights, cinematographers, painters, poets, could all draw ideas and Seguir leyendo

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No joke

Little by little, we’re finally understanding that this is serious. We’re gradually coming to terms with this harsh reality. We, Argentinians, have always been quite reluctant to obey rules. We always show a much better behavior when we go abroad, ´cause we know we can´t easily escape punishment there. Now Seguir leyendo

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Coronavirus: Una dura lección

A medida que pasan los días de encierro experimento una serie de sentimientos encontrados. Por un lado, la preocupación, el miedo, la incertidumbre, cierto agobio y claustrofobia. Por el otro, la sensación de tener el privilegio de estar viviendo una experiencia única, inédita, absolutamente transformadora. En la Argentina estamos acostumbrados Seguir leyendo

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All together now

It’s tough to keep our spirit up in a time like this. But there’s no alternative, is there? Personally, I choose to read this as a chance to leave our comfort zone, change our habits, show our sympathy and realize that there’s no individual escape from this threat. The world Seguir leyendo

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