Most of us look forward to going back to our “normal life” as soon as this pandemic is over. At the same time, we can’t help wondering whether that “normal” is advisable. Let’s admit that some of us were not really happy with our past routines. We used to complain about our lack of time, always rushing frantically from one place to the other, without thoroughly enjoying our daily activities. “If I had time, I would take acting/singing/writing/piano lessons”. “I’m fed up with my present job, but I have no choice”. Procrastination seemed to be the rule. Putting off for tomorrow all the things we were not able to do due to that “lack of time” or plain courage. Now that we know for sure that we are not eternal, that we are extremely vulnerable and fragile; now that an invisible enemy has put the whole planet at stake, maybe we’ll redefine that pre-Covid 19 “normal” and look forward to making up a new normal, a better one.
Published on Buenos Aires Times