Narco violence in Rosario looks unstoppable. The city used to be known as “the Argentine Chicago” way back in the thirties. Nowadays, we could call it the local Sinaloa. When Security Minister Aníbal Fernández tells Santa Fe Governor Aníbal Perotti that he should deal with the problem with his own police force, he seems to forget that drug crimes are federal offenses, not state ones. Why doesn’t he want to lend a hand? Doesn’t he realize this is a national problem, growing at speed of light? It’s well known that cartel bosses run their business from jail, since they have the privilege of possessing cell phones. Therefore, how can we expect drug-related violence and mafia-style killings not to soar and spread? When there’s a will, there’s a way, goes the saying. The Fernández administration doesn’t seem to be willing to put an end to this critical situation.  

Buenos Aires Times Feb 18, 2023