
All you need is love…

The 2019 Oscar Award Ceremony was such a bore! Everything about it was utterly dull. The decision of not having a host or hostess  didn`t work at all. No surprise, no fun, no irony, nothing. With one exception, though. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga performing “Shallow”, from “A star is born”. Seguir leyendo

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Purple shame

The Catholic Church has been sweeping dirt under the rug for centuries now. It’s high time they stopped doing so. “We must look this monster in the face without fear if we really want to conquer it”, said a Vatican spokesman. The testimonies of many victims of clergy sexual abuse Seguir leyendo

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Silent award ceremony?

Last Monday I was watching the “Estrella de Mar” Awards, and couldn’t believe my eyes or ears. Winners were not allowed to say anything after receiving the prize ‘cause they were not given microphones to do so. You had to so some sort of lip reading to guess what they Seguir leyendo

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Estrella de Mar 2019

Como espectadora, me pareció una muy desafortunada la decisión de no permitirles a los artistas que recibieron los Premios Estrella de Mar 2019 la posibilidad de expresarse y agradecer a quienes quisieran hacerlo. La así llamada “ceremonia” no tuvo nada de ceremonioso. Fue paupérrima, aburrida, berreta. Seguramente por un requisito Seguir leyendo

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