Good manners are conspicuous by their absence in the Milei administration. And we all know the fish rots from the head down. Who’s the head? President Milei (same as Trump) is quite fond of hate speech, and calls people who dare criticise him: rats, crooks, eco- phonies, mandrills, parasites, microphone criminals, trolls. Absolutely unnecessary and repulsive. No wonder our Congress sometimes looks like a football stadium, where our “representatives” behave like hooligans, insulting and even hitting one another shamelessly. If Milei honestly believed in freedom of speech, he wouldn’t use this violent rhetoric, this foul and coarse language. His libertarianism sounds biased, rather slanted, all blow and no go, an empty word. He doesn’t set a good example at all. Pity he doesn’t realise. Worse still: nobody around him warns him.

Buenos Aires Times, March 9, 2025

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