Our President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, undoubtedly has “the gift of the gab”. She’s very eloquent in her public speeches, and seems to improvise fluently as she goes along. But too often, her “faux pas”, her blunders, her “gaffes” are sadly notorius. As when she warned her government appointees: “Fear God, and have a little fear of me as well.” This week, when she inaugurated seven formations in the Sarmiento railway, she jokingly told her “entourage” something like: “Hurry up, guys. If we don’t rush, the next formation will bump into us”. And that, on the 29th-month anniversary of the Once train crash, that left 51 dead and 700 injured. Her total lack of tact (maybe mirroring a lack of sympathy) is, to say the least, bewildering. Going back a further week or so, there’s always party-pooper, isnt’t there? After the World Cup final, many people gathered at the obelisc, willing to celebrate Argentina’s great performance. Germany put an end to our dream, that’s true, but we all feel proud of Sabella’s team, anyway. «We have represented our country in the best possible way», said Javier Mascherano, and we all agree. There’s no doubt. On the contrary, the bunch of vandals who wreaked havoc on the downtown area, throwing stones, looting and destroying, do not represent us in the least. And the passive attitude of the authorities who are paid to protect us, is as shameful as theirs. Berni and Macri blaming each other as to who was responsible, whose jurisdiction it was, sounded like a bad joke. In the meantime, we, common citizen who pay our taxes, witness this «comedy of errors», feeling as much orphans as ever.