I’ve always wondered why we are so attracted to royal weddings.  It’s a strange kind of voyeurism most of us practice, although we might not confess it openly. We all feel invited to the ceremony. Everyone becomes an expert on hats, tuxedos, gowns, bowties, hairdos, make-up; on what to wear, how to walk, what to say. Actually, come to think of it, there’s very little difference between this and the Oscar’s red carpet parade, with all those celebrities walking by. And the Royal soap opera becomes even more catching if the bride doesn’t belong to the aristocracy, isn’t “one of them”, is an outsider, like Diana -Harry’s mum-, and Meghan, his wife. I wonder if Harry’s grandma approves wholeheartedly of her grandson marrying a biracial, divorced actress (of all people!) As Bob Dylan would put it:  “For the times they are a-changin’

With due respect, Your Royal Highness…

Published on Buenos Aires Times