China Zorrilla was one of a kind. Talented, versatile, extremely generous. I had the honor of having some unforgettable teas with her, at her cosy flat on Urugual St (where else?!). Such a pleasure to listen to her memories and anecdotes for hours on end. One of them: many years ago, during her stay in New York, an office workmate told her he was nervous because he had an audition that afternoon. Looking at him, she thought: “I doubt they’ll take you, kid. You don’t have the look” . She was wrong. He got the leading role in “The Graduate”.
Many years later, I interviewed her at the “Teatro Municipal Coliseo Podestá” (La Plata), a few minutes before her performance in “Camino a La Meca”. I told her: “China, you look so tired, and you must get on stage in no time”. She replied, simply: “You’re right, Irene. I’m worn out. But, don’t worry. My character isn’t”. An unforgettable drama lesson. Half an hour later, as fresh as a daisy, she dazzled her audience.
We have been left poorer by China’s exit. We’ll miss her dearly and feel forever grateful for her precious art. Adieu!