Wikipedia tells me: “Loyalty Day (in Spanish: “Día de la lealtad”) is a commemoration day in Argentina. It refers to 17 October 1945, when a massive labour demonstration at Plaza de Mayo demanded the liberation of Juan Domingo Perón, who was jailed in Martín García island. It is considered the foundation day of Peronism”. I also check the meaning of “loyalty”:  «faithfulness to something to which one is bound by pledge or duty.» Some synonyms: allegiance, devotion, fidelity.  I wonder: to whom are peronists/kirchnerists loyal/devoted to? So far, three separate gathering locations have been confirmed: the “Estadio Ciudad de Laferrere”, the “Estadio Obras Sanitarias”, and “Plaza de Mayo”. Wait a minute.  Are we talking about the same political party divided into three, each one loyal to itself? What a can of worms! (“bolsa de gatos” in Spanish). It’s what it is («es lo que hay») Sigh … 

Buenos Aires Times, Oct 15, 2022