Jorge Lanata was a self-made man, one of a kind, unique. He had survived so many times that we expected another miracle, we looked forward to his rebirth, we prayed for him to do it once again. Because he’d always been a warrior, a challenger, a gladiator, fond of taking risks, facing danger, rowing against the current. Extremely generous with his colleagues, particularly with the younger ones, who found a true master in him, because he let them shine and grow. Curious like a child (always a child at heart), willing to learn new things all the time. He had a free spirit and did what he pleased. Politically incorrect, he couldn’t care less if people didn’t approve of his statements or behaviour. So many roles – workaholic, a jack of all trades, journalist, writer, actor, art collector, interviewer, entertainer, researcher, TV presenter, documentary maker… you name it. Also a “bon-vivant,” an enjoyer of life. Never afraid of anybody, no matter how important or powerful he or she might be. He was brave enough to investigate corruption and expose it publicly. If he hadn’t existed, we would have had to invent him. We will miss him like crazy, but will never forget him. Thanks galore, Jorge Lanata! Your life was not in vain.
Buenos Aires Times, January 4, 2025