The year has just started, but so much has happened since Milei took office last December, that it feels like 2024 is about to end. We’re all worn out, exhausted, dead beat, knackered and bushed. Is the worst yet to come, we wonder. It’s a war of all against all, as philosopher Thomas Hobbes would put it. We’re all angry, dismayed, disappointed, unable to make ends meet. I bet many of the millions of people who voted for Milei, did so to put an end to kirchnerism, and that seemed to be the only choice. But now, watching and listening to him in action, there’s a feeling of regret in the air. “This week he liked a post on the X social network that showed a mock-up image of his current political enemy, Chubut Province Governor Ignacio Torres, as a person with Down Syndrome.”, I read in this same paper. Unconceivable, appalling, hideous. The fish rots from the head down, doesn’t it? What kind of example is he setting? What kind of leader is he? A relative of mine with Down Syndrome passed away a few years ago. I’ve never met anyone nicer or kinder than him. Which disability is worse? Being born with Down Syndrome or lacking sensitivity and empathy? Rhetorical question …
Buenos Aires Times, March 2, 2024