Elementary, my dear Watson… Latest news: Cristina Fernández de Kirchner said she won’t be a candidate
in the October elections. “Elementary, my dear Watson” – it goes without saying that she wouldn’t
be able to stand failing, i.e. not being chosen. She’s too vain, too proud to put up with that. Her unbelievable reason? To “give priority to the collective project over my personal position.” While her devotees were preparing a huge “Operativo Clamour,” she decided to back out of a risky challenge. Better safe than sorry, right? The one million-dollar question is: who will she appoint or back? Daniel Scioli? ‘Wado’ de Pedro? Axel Kiciloff? Sergio Massa? Agustín Rossi?
Her last choice, Alberto Fernández, has proved to be catastrophic. Besides, I bet none of those candidates is whole-
heartedly willing to run the risk Cristina is trying to avoid. Nobody wants to pull the chestnuts out of the fire or draw the short straw. Once again, self- centred Cristina focuses on her own interests, disappointing her fans.
Irene Bianchi,
Buenos Aires Times, May 20th, 2023