
Maduro’s Guru?!

I could hardly believe it when I saw the picture! Nicolás Maduro and Ravi Shankar, both smiling and shaking hands?! A humanitarian and spiritual leader next to a ruthless dictator who persecutes, imprisons and tortures opponents?  Maduro, a pathetical, clownish character who has forced thousands of Venezuelans to leave their homeland, Seguir leyendo

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American Dream?!

“After July 4, a lot of people are going to be brought back. They go back home. ICE is going to be apprehending them and bringing them back to their countries».  US President Trump’s words, referring to his adamant decision to deport undocumented immigrants after Independence Day.  I wonder what Martin Luther Seguir leyendo

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Rat race

All Argentine politicians suffer from FOMO: fear of missing out. This has been clearly seen these last few weeks. They’re all doing their best to fit somewhere, to get something, to approach someone, however alien that someone might seem. They’ve been running a frantic race against the clock, shamelessly, ruthlessly, Seguir leyendo

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Hablemos en serio

¿Estamos en condiciones de derrochar 4.500 millones de pesos en las PASO? ¿Qué sentido tiene? ¿Acaso nos sobran? Y si así fuera, ¿no se podrían destinar a algo más útil, más necesario, más urgente? ¿No es un verdadero despropósito teniendo en cuenta el estado calamitoso en el que nos encontramos Seguir leyendo

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Hello darkness, my old friend…

Last Sunday’s huge blackout seems a suitable metaphor for the darkness we’re immersed in. It was Father’s Day, which looks like a good symbol, too, ‘cause we, Argentines, are prone to look for a Father/Mother figure as President. We choose politicians rather than policies, individuals rather than programs, relying too Seguir leyendo

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