A couple of days ago I saw “Argentina 1985”, directed by Santiago Mitre. Let me just say: it’s a must. Same as “La Historia Oficial”, directed by Luis Puenzo in (what a coincidence!) 1985. Another essential movie. In “Argentina 1985” the outstanding actor Ricardo Darín plays Julio Strassera, the chief prosecutor of the Trial of the Juntas. A brave man who defied the military leaders accused of brutal crimes committed during the 1976-1983 dictatorship.  I can’t help but link Strassera with prosecutors Diego Luciani and Sergio Mola, who are also fearless and daring in the corruption trial against Cristina Kirchner. Darin’s character also reminded me of Alberto Nisman, the late federal prosecutor who was found dead a few hours before he was scheduled to report on his findings regarding the Memorandum of understanding between Argentina and Iran. Prosecutors who hat to put up with threats all along, flesh and blood heroes worthy of respect and admiration. Trust me, you can’t miss “Argentina 1985”. 

Buenos Aires TImes, Oct 8, 2022