Ages ago, there was a clever glue commercial on TV: “And now what? / Poxipol!” We, Argentine voters, are now asking ourselves that same question. We´re at a crucial crossroads, facing next month’s presidential run-off. Milei or Massa? What if we don’t like either of them? To vote or not to vote? If we don’t, we favour Massa. Should we back opposition leader Patricia Bullrich, who has decided to back the libertarian candidate, in spite of their open differences? We are at a loss, lost, disheartened, disappointed, puzzled. As regards the utter destruction of “Juntos por el Cambio”, we saw it coming. No surprise at all. Chronicle of a death foretold, as Gabriel García Márquez would put it. “JxC” coalition has imploded and split up. No glue can put the pieces back together again. Maybe that’s healthier, because that marriage of convenience lacked credibility. Now we know who’s who at last. No more pretenders.
Buenos Aires Times, October 28, 2023