Every time President Alberto Fernández speaks in public, much to our regret, he does it on behalf of all of us, even if he’s voicing his own personal opinions, which don’t necessarily coincide with ours. At the Mercosur summit, he didn’t say a word about María Corina Machado’s disqualification to challenge Nicolás Maduro next presidential elections in Venezuela. Actually, Alberto clearly admires Hugo Chavez’ successor, in spite of the countless human rights abuses, persecutions and proscriptions Maduro has been historically accused of. Every time he defends this dictator, I believe he should make it clear he’s speaking for himself, not for all of us. I wholeheartedly look forward to the moment Fernández stops embarrassing us, Argentines, in the eyes of the free world. Sigh …

Buenos Aires Times, July 8, 2023