I’m an extremely proud Grandma, eager to see, hug and kiss my grandson Lorenzo, as soon as this lockdown is over. Can´t wait, actually. I love it when “Lolo” calls me “Granny” (“Abu”). But what I truly dislike is being called “Abuela” (Grandmother) by people who are not my grandchildren (God forbid!). Most government officials use (misuse, rather) that term all too often to refer to us, seniors (“adultos mayores”), in a patronizing, pejorative way. Worse still when they call us “Abuelitos”, as if we were helpless children who can´t make head or tails of what´s going on. Most of us are self sufficient, wiser and far more experienced than those “experts” who underestimate our skills and capacity. We don´t need to be reminded again and again that we should stay at home. Instead, why don´t you take better care of the elderly living in crappy conditions in neglected nursing homes? Just saying …
Published on Buenos Aires Times