I do hope Javier Milei bears in mind that he won the elections just because millions of Argentines refused to have another Kirchnerite administration. In other words, he was “a shot in the dark” – a wild, unsubstantiated guess, the only choice for many of us, the lesser evil, so to speak. He should be warned that he hasn’t got the world by the tail (“no tiene la vaca atada”, as we say in Argentina). Most of us dislike the foul language he uses in his public speeches. A few days ago, when he launched La Libertad Avanza as a national party at Parque Lezama, he insulted journalists and lawmakers calling them corrupt, recipients of bribery and fiscal degenerates. How does he know? If he does, why doesn’t he tell us their full names? He shouldn’t throw away the baby with the bathwater. Generalisations are arbitrary, aren’t they? If Milei doesn’t watch his language and manners (among other things), he’ll lose supporters as time goes by.

Buenos Aires Times, October 5, 2024

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