Ready, steady, go! The race has begun! All candidates showing their best profile, promising lavishly, smiling broadly, begging for interviews, making believe that each one of them is the best possible choice at the PASO primaries on September 12th. There’s no hugging, kissing or holding poor children in their arms, due to the pandemic. Truth to tell, the opposition leaves much to be desired. There are internal feuds, ego trips, unnecesary divisions. They don’t seem to rise to the occasion. If this is so, they will be missing the chance of their lives.
In the meantime, President Alberto Fernández admits he might have made some mistakes, but denies having made dirty tricks (“pillerías”) or wilful misconduct. I wonder, though. All those visits to Olivos, the birthday parties, the dog trainer, the Vips who were vaccinated jumping the line, the barbecue with Moyano, Maradona’s massive funeral, while all of us were isolated and locked up. How would you qualify all that? Do what I say but not what I do? I know, I know. It’s what it is. Our only legal weapon is our vote. Let’s use it properly. Sigh …
Irene Bianchi for Buenos Aires Times