I know. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched. While I’m writing these lines (Nov 5th), we don’t know yet if Biden will be the next USA President. Partly because not all the votes have been counted, and partly because losing Donald is claiming fraud. He’s so pissed off, so boiling mad, throwing such a tantrum, like the spoilt child he’s always been. For a narcissitic, ego maniac guy like him, a defeat is unimaginable and inconceivable. He won’t accept it, he’ll probably chain himself to the White House, screaming like a cry baby, making a fool of himself once more. Honestly, I find it hard to understand why so many Americans still support him. It’s no minor detail. At his rallies, he plays the role of a preacher, and enjoys being cheered like a rock star. So childish, so immature, such a freak. And so dangerous too. He’s never paid enough attention to global warming and climate change. He’s prejudiced, racist and a male chauvinist. He’s openly made fun of handicapped people. I mean, how on earth could he become the president of one of the most powerful nations in the world? What’s more, how can he be given a second chance? Come to think of it, Adolf Hitler also had countless supporters. Sigh …