Whenever our self-esteem is rather low, we should all read and re-read President Milei’s public statements, so as to borrow a little of his own and boost ours. Just a few quotes: “I am today the most relevant politician on Earth”; “I am the maximum exponent and defender of the ideas of freedom in the world” (while he restricts access to public information through a decree). Always bragging and blowing his own trumpet. Doesn’t Milei realise he is his worst enemy when he describes his critics as “Lilliputians,” “invisible rats,” “inconsequentials,” etc.? “What vision can a rat have of a giant?” he added. What kind of libertarian is he? Someone who despises and insults journalists and reporters who dare raise their voices against him? Someone should warn him and let him know that he’s disappointing many of his voters at breakneck speed.

Buenos Aires Times, September 7, 2024

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