In my opinion, President Javier Milei’s “Olivos Barbecue” was absolutely unnecessary. Even insulting, I dare say. Although [Presidential Spokesperson] Manuel Adorni insists it wasn’t a celebration, it certainly looked like one, after having successfully blocked an 8.1 percent pension increase, initially approved by both houses of Congress. “Today, 87 heroes Seguir leyendo

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Me preocupa nuestro déficit de atención, no sólo como argentinos, sino como seres humanos. Nos olvidamos rápidamente de temas importantes. Ya nadie habla de Loan, el niño desaparecido hace casi 100 días. Ni de la sangrienta guerra que desató Rusia para sojuzgar a Ucrania. Ni de los rehenes que el Seguir leyendo

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During the excessive lockdown we Argentines had to endure during Alberto Fernández’ administration, we now find out that –meanwhile- he was having a good time all along. Certain painful episodes come to mind. The former President called surfer Federico Llamas “an idiot who will have to give many explanations”. Rower Seguir leyendo

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