Rosenkrantz? Rosenkrantz? Sounds familiar … Rings a bell … Of course! Prince Hamlet’s friend, together with Guildenstern. Well, not true friends, actually. They more loyal to his treacherous uncle, Claudius, than to him. Closer in time, Tom Stoppard killed both of them in his famous absurdist, existential tragicomedy: «Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead.»
Come to think of it, ours is a truly Shakespearean reality, tinged with high treason, strange deaths, greed, thirst for power, bottomless ambition, heroes with tragic flaws, very bad guys beating the good ones, struggle between good and evil.
Unfortunately, there´s no “catharsis” for us, the audience; no comic relief, no poetry whatsoever.
Sorry for the comparison, William. «Mala mía».